« Cisco Clean Access activated in Palo VerdeResnet's WRONG Router setup instructions »

The reason for Resnet's bogus router setup instructions


  12:58:17 by Joe, Categories: Resnet

I explained here why the router setup instructions from Resnet are wrong.
I now have an idea why they provided such quite frankly braindead instructions: They are getting ready to install a product from Cisco called "Cisco Clean Access" which invades peoples' privacy by requiring a program to run on each Windows PC, scanning the disks. This product does not work through properly set up routers. Instead of scrapping this faulty product, with all its privacy problems, etc., Resnet rather came up with braindead router setup instructions which stop just short of outlawing routers.

Just last week, there have been two flaws in the Cisco Clean Access product reported. The reports are here and here.
The last one is interesting since browsers like Firefox can make use of extensions like this one that allow changes to the User-Agent string.
For IE it is a bit more complicated, but also doable with a little file which sets the User-Agent string to IE on Solaris, a Unix variant from Sun (there in fact is an IE5 for Solaris, I have it on one of my machines.) This file sets IE's User-Agent string back to normal.

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I take no responsibility for anything that you may do as a result of reading this blog entry. The contents of this blog entry and the files linked from this entry are provided 'as is' with no warranty.

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This blog tries to capture all the gripes about UCI Resident Networking (Resnet) and the switch to UCI-managed Cable TV in on-campus housing.
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