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Followup email to Bill Zeller


  11:20:00 by Joe, Categories: Switchover

On Friday, I sent another email to Bill Zeller, as a followup to the meeting I had with him and Kevin Ansel (see here.)
I sent it with Receipt Request, and I got a receipt notice. I am awaiting his answer.

This is the email I sent:

Mr. Zeller,

this email is a followup to the meeting we had on August 16.
Since our meeting, there have been numerous problems with channel freezes. I have them documented here:
This is obviously a sub-standard service, and the number and duration of these outages are not acceptable.

I dutyfully report these outages to the phone number listed on
http://www.housing.uci.edu/hit/cabletv/problem.asp under the Palo Verde heading, but have gotten increasingly unfriendly and unhelpful comments from the person answering the phone number (Jeanne Haynes.)
For example, I have been repeatedly told that I am the only one who complains about these outages, and that could "just move."
Besides the obvious unprofessionalism of these suggestions, I am certainly not the only one upset about this sub-standard service. I personally know several people who are increasingly unhappy with the situation, and follow my website outlining the problems.

This morning, I was told by Ms. Haynes that UCI Housing does not do anything to fix these problems, that they essentially fix themselves within a couple of hours. The evidence shows otherwise: outages occuring on Fridays after business hours or during weekends are not fixed until Monday morning, and outages occuring on weekdays after business hours are not fixed until the next morning.
Her statement also suggests that complaints are not acted upon, which would certainly diminish the value of the cable offering even more.

In our meeting, Mr. Ansel stated that these outages happen nationwide (and Ms. Haynes repeated this statement several times.)
I have researched several online forums discussing the service from Dish Network, and I have not found any evidence supporting Mr. Ansel's claim.

In our meeting, Mr. Ansel and you stated that only residents of Palo Verde had cable service before. In the meantime, I have since learned that this is not correct.
Several residents of Verano Place have stated that they have had Cox Cable and Cox Digital Cable for years. It also seems to be possible in Verano Place to continue to receive both Cox Cable and the UCI-provided cable service.
This means that residents of Verano Place continue to have a choice of cable provider that residents of Palo Verde are denied.
Mr. Ansel stated that technical issues prevent a choice of cable provider in Palo Verde, which leads to the question of why such technical issues exist in Palo Verde but not in Verano Place. Surely it should be possible to easily overcome the technical issues, as the installation in Verano Place shows.

Finally, it was stated by Ms. Haynes that I will not be allowed to install a satellite dish for my apartment. On the other hand, in our meeting, you suggested that you are looking into the possibility to allow dishes for current renters. I like to get an update on this topic.

-Joachim Feise
Ph.D. Student Information and Computer Sciences

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This blog tries to capture all the gripes about UCI Resident Networking (Resnet) and the switch to UCI-managed Cable TV in on-campus housing.
This site is not affiliated with UCI or UCI Housing.
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