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Resnet retracts their flawed router instructions


  20:28:56 by Joe, Categories: Resnet

In the middle of yet another Housing Administration screwup, I noticed that Resnet finally retracted their flawed router installation instructions. The webpage now states

Due to the conflicting and confusing issues related to personal wireless routers, this page has been removed. Due to the proliferation of wireless routers of all makes and manufacturers, Resnet can no longer provide any support, help, configuration or setup. The previous guides were causing more problems on the network that we had hoped for, and as such, have been removed.

Now, I could say "we told you so"... but I won't do that &#59;)

Manufacturers put installation guides into their router retail packages (usually a quick install guide on paper and a more in-depth install guide on CD), and they are tailored to the specific router type they are packaged with. So just following these guides is all that is needed to set up a router.

My main concern in this whole mess has always been that Resnet showed a complete disregard for their customers, the on-campus residents, and I hope they finally change that attitude. I am sceptical, though, since this seems to be endemic in the housing administration, as they have shown again just this week...
Anyway, they can start to show that they care about their customers by scrapping the intrusive and flawed Cisco Clean Access software. There are other, non-intrusive tools available that achieve their objective, minimizing the impact of viruses and the like (an objective I fully support, btw.) without the need to invade their customers' privacy and force them to install some flawed tool on their computers.

And a final thought: the webpage mentioned above complains about Resnet's lack of funding and resources for network upgrades. My answer to that is that they could have used the substantial amount of money they spent on a deeply flawed product like CCA to upgrade their network instead. So, this complaint sounds very hollow.

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This blog tries to capture all the gripes about UCI Resident Networking (Resnet) and the switch to UCI-managed Cable TV in on-campus housing.
This site is not affiliated with UCI or UCI Housing.
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