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Bill Zeller retired from UCI


  23:12:00 by Joe, Categories: Miscellaneous

Over the years, I have written several times about Bill Zeller, former Housing Director at UCI. A university official who apparently found it normal to lie to people. He lied to my face, as I have documented in this blog.
After screwing up at UCI Housing, he got demoted and demoted again, until he was just a "funding coordinator."
According to the current UCI directory, he now has retired from UCI (presumably with a good pension; our tax dollars at work...):

Title Retiree

Good riddance. I hope he never gets hired anywhere else where he has to interact with people. He has shown to be unable to handle that...

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This blog documents the less than ideal way the UCI Housing administration and the Palo Verde Housing administration treat their residents.
This site is not affiliated with UCI Housing or Palo Verde Housing.
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