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Bill Zeller Memorial Exit


  12:05:00 by Joe, Categories: Miscellaneous

Inside Higher Ed has an article about a student who got expelled for exercising his free speech rights. The student opposed the use of student fees to build new parking garages...
It seems that this is some backwater university which is run by its president as a personal fiefdom, US Constitution be damned.

This reminded me, though, of how Bill Zeller used to run UCI Housing. He also was using student money, in this case student rent money, to rebuild an exit from Palo Verde to Anteater drive. This was done to please two professors who live across the street in the University Hills development.
Maybe this exit should be called the Bill Zeller Memorial Exit, or, given that UCI rarely names anything "Memorial", the Bill Zeller Exit. After all, since Mr. Zeller is no longer Housing director, the exit is his legacy.
And while Mr. Zeller didn't try to silence people who criticized his actions himself, he had his people try to...

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This blog documents the less than ideal way the UCI Housing administration and the Palo Verde Housing administration treat their residents.
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