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UCI violates 2002 Housing eligibility agreement


  15:26:00 by Joe, Categories: Miscellaneous

Recently, the UCI Graduate administration has sent out letters to graduate students in on-campus housing, essentially threatening to throw them out.
In particular, these letters went to people who were living in UCI Graduate Housing on or before June 2002. In June 2002, the university, in the course of a housing policy change, agreed to grandfather in all graduate students who lived in on-campus housing on or before June 2002.

An excerpt from the letter:

Campus Administration together with the Academic Senate have
approved a graduate student housing policy which guarantees new PhD and MFA students campus housing for normative time for their program minus one year. According to the time to degree policy adopted by the Graduate Council on March 4, 2004, students who are beyond their maximal time to degree shall not have access to non-instructional university services, including housing. This policy, which underwent lengthy review before its adoption by the administration, was intended to address the need to maximize the number of lower-cost housing spaces available for new students and for continuing students who are within the maximal time to degree.

Students who have been in housing prior to June 1, 2002 are grandfathered _as long as they are making satisfactory progress toward their degree completion_. Our records indicate that you are beyond the normative time to degree for your program and will reach or have exceeded the maximal time to degree at the end of Spring Quarter 2007.

Accordingly, your name will be forwarded to Student Housing identifying you as a student whose access to Student Housing services expires at the end of Spring Quarter 2007. In accordance with this academic policy, Student Housing will be responsible for managing your transition out of
housing by the end of the Summer 2007.

This is in stark contrast to the actual letter people received in 2003 regarding the policy changes and the grandfathering in. I have a copy of the letter here: page 1, page 2.
In particular, there is no mentioning of "as long as they are making satisfactory progress toward their degree completion."
However, it says clearly, and with emphasis:

Applies to contract holders with a move-in date on or after 06/01/02.

Even the UCI Housing website says:

Effective February 1, 2006, current residents of Palo Verde and Verano Place with an original housing contract date between May 31, 2002 and May 31, 2006 will be eligible to remain in residence until he/she has reached the published normal time to degree for the academic program in which he/she is enrolled. Residents with original contract dates prior to June 1, 2002 will not be affected by this length of stay limit.

BTW, I have saved a copy of the website from this date here, so even if they change it, I can prove that it had this statement.

Furthermore, my rental agreement says:


RESIDENT'S eligibility for this on-campus housing is based on being:

a) a full-time University of California, Irvine (UCI) or California College of Medicine (CCM) Graduate Student
(a full-time graduate student is defined as a student taking a minimum 12 units or 8 units plus a research or teaching assistantship);
b) a post-doctoral appointee ("Post-Doc") associated with UCI or CCM;
c) a Medical Resident associated with UCI, CCM, or the University of California, Irvine Medical Center (UCIMC).

Again, nothing about "as long as they are making satisfactory progress toward their degree completion."

And a fourth point: At least in the Information and Computer Science program, there was no maximum time to degree set until after 2002.

Based on all this, I think the university is violating their agreement from 2002 with this letter.


Comment from: Rob [Visitor]

OK, so this is all interesting, and we could have a debate if we wanted about this specific issue. Usually I agree with you, but not so sure on this one. But what I really want to know is, who are you supporting or endorsing for the upcoming PVRC elections? Can I put in a special request for a blog post about that?

05/30/07 @ 01:36
Comment from: Joe [Member]

Well, I no longer live in PV, so I don’t get all the info regarding the PVRC elections.
I’ll write a little note, though.

05/30/07 @ 07:45
Comment from: Joe [Member]

Some more history: The June 2002 “Tent City", i.e., graduate students living in tents in Aldrich Park in May/June 2002 was what resulted in the agreement with the university that people who lived in Graduate Housing before June 2002 would not be subject to term limits.
AGS did the negotiations with UCI Student Affairs at that time, and Manuel Gomez, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, guaranteed that there would be no term limits for students who lived in Graduate Housing before June 2002.

05/30/07 @ 08:20

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This blog documents the less than ideal way the UCI Housing administration and the Palo Verde Housing administration treat their residents.
This site is not affiliated with UCI Housing or Palo Verde Housing.
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