« On-Campus Housing term limit scenariosLength-of-stay limits for Graduate Housing looming »

On-Campus Housing Term Limits


  23:23:00 by Joe, Categories: Miscellaneous

As I had mentioned here already, UCI wants to implement 3-year term limits for residents.
While people who moved into graduate housing before June 1, 2002 are exempt from this because of an agreement with the administration after the "tent city" protest in 2002, the situation is rather unclear for people who moved into on-campus housing after June 1, 2002.
Starting June 2004, the housing office added an additional one-page document to the rental contract that states that new tenants "may" be subject to 3-year term limits. Interestingly, though, at least until June 13, 2005, the websites for graduate housing stated:

Doctoral and Medical students:
The time limit will be established by the Graduate Council and
approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies, as either seven years or
normative time-to-degree.

So, nothing at all about 3 years.
Furthermore, on March 28, 2003, the UCI Housing office distributed a letter to all Palo Verde and Verano Place residents which also contained the exact same wording (see below.) The current try by the Housing administration to back out of that statement is worrysome. IANAL, but I think the letter and the website create a strong precedent.
The older versions of the Housing website are accessible through the Internet Archive. The Internet Archive last stored the website in October 2004. The Verano Place website is archived under http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://housing.uci.edu/vp/, the Palo Verde website is archived under http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://housing.uci.edu/pv/

Finally, here is the letter from UCI Housing, dated March 28, 2003:
Housing Letter from 2003, Page 1
Housing Letter from 2003, Page 2

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This blog documents the less than ideal way the UCI Housing administration and the Palo Verde Housing administration treat their residents.
This site is not affiliated with UCI Housing or Palo Verde Housing.
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