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PV Housing sends out accusatory email


  14:43:00 by Joe, Categories: Miscellaneous

There hasn't been much activity on this blog, because PV Housing seemed to improve in their communication with residents.
But, an email several people, me included, received this morning shows that beauty is only skin-deep...
The email accuses people of creating a safety hazard by having personal items outside the apartments.
The email:

Dear Resident,

It has come to our attention that Palo Verde staff members found personal items outside of your apartment.

As stated, in section 13: Care of Premises paragraph 3, "..apartment interiors, emergency stairwell areas, and entry ways are inspected regularly to assess the condition and safety of the premises, perform preventative maintenance, and make repairs..."

According to our policies & procedures manual on page 10, "...sidewalks, steps and stairways...should not be obstructed or used for storage. Do not hang any items including brooms, mops, laundry or other unsightly items on your patio, window or in stairwell areas. Shoes, clothes or other personal items should not be left on any landing or common areas."

For the safety of you and your neighbors, please remove these items as soon as possible.

Palo Verde Housing

This is of course ridiculous, and I said as much in my answer (as did the others who received the email):

The items outside my door (door mat, patio table and 2 patio chairs) are
a) not blocking or obstructing any entryways,
b) do not constitute storage in any form,
c) do not constitute a hazard,
d) are not unsightly (I even put a newly acquired tablecloth on the patio table),
e) have been at the same spot for over 1 year.

The walkway ends at my door, so I don't even have neighbors who could be inconvenienced in any way.
In addition, the patio table and the chairs are secured with a cable lock, to prevent any inappropriate movement of the items.

Instead of sending bogus threatening bulk emails, please fix the real safety hazards, for example the poorly secured holes next to the garages.

Since, as claimed in an email to Andreas Gal (I was cc'ed on that), the PV Housing Office is "not accusing you of anything", then why was this email sent out in the first place?
Like Andreas, I considered your email as an accusation. This is not the right way to communicate with residents, and I hope the PV Residents Council, once established, is going to address the way the PV Housing office resorts to accusing and threatening residents.


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This blog documents the less than ideal way the UCI Housing administration and the Palo Verde Housing administration treat their residents.
This site is not affiliated with UCI Housing or Palo Verde Housing.
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