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The weekly channel outage...


  20:42:00 by Joe, Categories: Outages

Not surprisingly, we have yet another channel outage: channels 31 and 53.
These recurring outages make abundandly clear that the equipment used by the UCI Cable TV experiment is not up to the task. The equipment is obviously not enterprise-grade, and is not designed to run 24/7.
The UCI Housing Administration, i.e., Kevin Ansel, who was recently promoted away from his job (if you screw up, you get promoted...), has clearly failed to do their due diligence when selecting their Cable TV provider. The provider they chose, Campus Televideo, was only able to provide the cheapest offer because they skimped on the equipment and use consumer-grade receivers. Originally, they used receivers from Dish Network which broke down pretty much immediately. Outage data collected by this site and others eventually resulted in a change to DirecTV, still with the same reseller, Campus Televideo. While the DirecTV receivers are more robust, they obviously have reached their breaking points now, as the increasing number of outages over the last month and a half shows. Consumer-grade receivers are just not suitable for 24/7 operation.
The Housing Administration should either scrap the Cable TV experiment, or change to a real provider who knows what they are doing. Campus Televideo is clearly not up to the task, and should never have been selected in the first place.

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This blog tries to capture all the gripes about UCI Resident Networking (Resnet) and the switch to UCI-managed Cable TV in on-campus housing.
This site is not affiliated with UCI or UCI Housing.
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