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Another CCA bypass program


  12:34:00 by Joe, Categories: Resnet

People continue to be concerned about the privacy implications of an invasive system like CCA.
That's why there continue to be a number of programs out there to bypass the CCA installation.
Here is another one I have come across, which claims to be working with all CCA versions. Of course, as always, use at your own risk and don't blame me or the author of that program if your computer locks up or if you get into trouble with your network administrators.
Competent network administrators would provide an opt-out or would only mandate use of the CCA client after a virus/bot incident. If your school has such network administrators, consider yourself lucky. The UCI Resnet administrators, unfortunately, dismissed such suggestions.


Comment from: Michael Zeller [Visitor]  
Michael Zeller

OK, so first off, I am not related to Bill Zeller (well, I probably am to some extent, but you get my point), to whom you write a lot about. Second, I do live in PV and I found your page after I saw Bill Zeller mentioned in an email and you happened to be the top google search (good work!).

Alright, so I have an easier solution to this problem, and hopefully I can clear up the Zeller name with this one. Suffice it to say, CCA is a bane on society and borders on wasting as much time as all other forms of virii combined. (10-30 seconds per person per week to login to the system “why isn’t pidgin/ssh/skype/etc working!?!” causes more of a headache).

It’s as simple as this:
1) Buy a router, which everyone that has more than one computer/laptop already has.
2) Buy/borrow a Wii
3) Connect to the internet via Wii via router.
4a) Done, your router looks like a Wii and won’t ask to register each week.
4b) If you connected to the internet before attaching the Wii, attach Wii directly to the ethernet jack and connect to the Internet. Next, go to the Wii internet settings and get your Wii MAC address. Clone that MAC address on your router. Reattach router to ethernet jack.

Note to ResNet: I am not Michael Zeller, and the above does not emulate a MAC if you follow step 4a, so no breach of contract.

02/06/09 @ 23:36
Comment from: Joe [Member]

Hello Michael,

Thanks for your post.
Unfortunately, the steps you describe most likely won’t work.
CCA is designed to have different roles, and game consoles are usually put in a special role that allows only certain ports to go through (usually http, but not ssh, or skype.) The detection if it is a game console is done via the first part of the MAC address. The manufacturers from time to time use a new range of MAC addresses, and when people start to use game consoles with these new MAC addresses, the CCA mailing list shows questions about that.

As far as Bill Zeller is concerned, he was the head of UCI housing. That’s when I had to do with him… The Palo Verde Residents Council would probably not exist if it weren’t for him. He angered people enough to take action ;-) He cetainly angered me enough to help start the PVRC.
He eventually got moved to a position where he can’t do much damage. Before he was hired by UCI, he was managing housing at the University of Michigan, where, according to reports in UMich newspapers, he got fired because he mismanaged things (just like at UCI.)
When I looked through my webserver logs, I noticed that some people apparently search for some other Bill Zeller, a medical doctor with no connections to UCI. I apologize if anybody with the same last name gets caught in this. My beef was always only the mismanagement in UCI Housing, and that unfortunately is connected with the then director of UCI Housing.

02/07/09 @ 07:41
Comment from: Joe [Member]

When I said “game consoles are usually put in a special role that allows only certain ports to go through” I mean that CCA can be configured that way.
I have no idea if UCI Resnet does that.

02/07/09 @ 08:57
Comment from: Michael Zeller [Visitor]  
Michael Zeller

Interesting Joe.

Well, it must be that UCI ResNet is nice enough to not do that, because the setup works great for me and has yet to hiccup. If this changes in the future, I might have to start contributing to this blog. =) Thanks for your time in bringing issues like this to light, much appreciated.

02/07/09 @ 21:04

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This blog tries to capture all the gripes about UCI Resident Networking (Resnet) and the switch to UCI-managed Cable TV in on-campus housing.
This site is not affiliated with UCI or UCI Housing.
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