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Facebook's disturbing lack of an abuse@ address


  18:55:00 by Joe, Categories: General, Spammers

Facebook doesn't like to receive emails.
They have an abuse@facebook.com address, but to actual abuse complaints, they respond with a completely idiotic boilerplate response:

Thanks for your email. We're streamlining how we receive feedback to be able to better assist you. The links below will take you to more information to help you solve and report your problem.

Common issues
[references to some Facebook pages]

What complete and utter BS about "streamlining." This is just a code word for "we don't want to hear from you", "we don't care about killing the Internet."
If the complaint doesn't fit into the "categories" of their unhelpful pages, they just ignore it.

In my case, there are some people on Facebook who use fake email addresses. For some reason, these idiots decided to use my domain name. So, whenever these idiots are getting a friend request, or some other insignificant event happened, Facebook sends the notifications to my domain. Since all email to my domain ends up in my inbox, I get flooded with this BS.
Some examples (in Portuguese, since these idiots use the Portuguese-language version of Facebook, they are probably from Brazil):

Confirmar solicitação

Exibir todas as solicitações

Olá Jose Diogo,

Gilvaneide Cordeiro quer ser seu amigo no Facebook.

Localizar amigos

Ir para o Facebook

Olá Cristiellen,

Localize mais amigos.

I now have a Procmail recipe set up to send these turds back to every corporate Facebook email address I could find.
Still looking for more corporate FB addresses...

Update 9-6-2012: It seems as if I have gotten the attention of some Facebook people with a clue.
They still don't have a working abuse@ address, but at least they now seem to require email confirmation, and deny access if that's not forthcoming.
One of these emails (again in Portuguese):

Olá Cristiellen,

Você entrou no Facebook em 21 de Outubro de 2011, mas ainda não confirmou sua conta.

Para confirmar, basta clicar no link a seguir:

E é isso! Após fazer isso, você terá acesso a todos os recursos do Facebook - comentários, compartilhamento de fotos, planejamento de eventos e mais.

Importante: a partir de hoje, você não conseguirá conectar-se a sua conta do Facebook sem concluir esta etapa.

The important part (fed through Google Translate):

Important: starting today, you can not connect to your Facebook account without completing this step.

And I got this kind of email even for a few email addresses that weren't on my radar, because they hadn't shown up in my inbox yet. FB didn't get any complaint about them from me yet, because they hadn't triggered my Procmail recipe. So, somebody at FB apparently is checking the email domains in their database.
About time that they fix this crap...
If FB personnel would actually contact me, I could give them a list of all the fake email addresses in my Procmail recipe.

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