Category: "Outages"


  19:02:00 by Joe, Categories: Outages

And once again, the weekend is there, and Cable TV is broken.
The outage of the day for Sunday: Channel 23...
The DirecTV equipment seems to be as broken as the Dish equipment that caused the outages last year.
The UCI experiment trying to be a Cable TV provider is a clear failure.


  23:49:00 by Joe, Categories: Outages

With the long holiday weekend, these outages are probably going to be around until Tuesday.
This time, it is channels 13 and 59 (13 being off and 59 being distorted.)
It should be made mandatory for somebody from Resnet to live on campus and suffer the same dismal service...

Update: a bunch of other channels went out: channels 7, 24, 35, 49, and 64, all show the DirecTV "screensaver". Channel 59 seems to have re-synchronized.


  21:26:00 by Joe, Categories: Outages, Resnet

Since Monday, Channel 9 shows just the "nice" DirecTV logo...
Of course, with all the school closed, and all Resnet people on vacation, nothing gets fixed, at least until Jan. 3, when UCI reopens.
Yet another example why having the university providing Cable services is a really bad idea. With a professional provider, this would have been fixed Monday night already...

In other news, an exploit affecting fully patched Windows machines has been released and has been sighted in the wild, showing once again that tools like CCA can not provide protection against such issues.


  23:52:50 by Joe, Categories: Outages

Or is Resnet getting sloppy maintaining them?
Yet again, we have a channel frozen (channel 13.) The last time we had such frequent outages (every week) was when they still used Dish network. The receivers from Dish apparently weren't designed for 24/7 operation (as a side note, why didn't they know about this beforehand; it seems "due diligence" is unknown to the people in charge...)
The receivers from DirecTV seemed to be better, but with the recent increase in outages, it seems they too become quickly unusable. That shows that it was a bad idea from the start for UCI housing to handle a TV operation without having the knowledge to do so. Nobody in Resnet, and certainly not the Resnet and IT management, is qualified to run a proper Cable TV operation.
The next thing I am interested to see is how long it takes them to fix this outage. Last week, they needed an email from me...


  23:52:26 by Joe, Categories: Outages

We didn't have these freezes for a long time, so I hope this remains a single case...
Since Friday evening, the video for channel 9 is frozen. The audio continues to run.

Of course, the dismal "service" from Resnet, with them not working on the weekend, means that such things do not get fixed outside of their Mo-Fr 9-5 working hours. With a real, commercial cable provider, such outages would have been fixed already, weekend or not.
So yet again, we get crappy "service" because of the Housing Administration's misguided decision to provide Cable TV themselves, instead of leaving this to the professionals.

Update: It is Monday evening, and channel 9 is still frozen.
In addition, a bunch of other channels are frozen or disabled: channels 23, 62, 63, and 67.
I am wondering what lame excuse they have for not even fixing this during their work hours...

Update2: They seem to have fixed most of the freezes on Tuesday, after I had sent them an email. They don't seem to feel the need to reply back to me, though...


This blog tries to capture all the gripes about UCI Resident Networking (Resnet) and the switch to UCI-managed Cable TV in on-campus housing.
This site is not affiliated with UCI or UCI Housing.
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