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AT&T DSL and IPv6 again


  23:02:00 by Joe, Categories: General, Linux , Tags: at_t, dsl, ipv6

Some time ago, I wrote about the problems I had getting IPv6 to work through my AT&T DSL connection.
It turns out that the problem is the crappy DSL modem that AT&T gives to their customers. It is a Siemens Speedstream 4100. Siemens got out of the DSL modem business, and there are no firmware updates for this DSL modem available. On top of that, SBC apparently provided their own configuration, which may have crippled the modem even more.
So, today I finally went out and bought another DSL modem, a D-Link DSL-2320B. With that, I can use IPv6 through a tunnel at HE's tunnelbroker service just fine.
I am actually thinking of returning this DSL modem, though, since it has some other ridiculous setting that is unfortunately not configurable: it renews the IP address every 15 seconds or so... filling up my log files for no good reason. I'll never understand why they can't just provide a configuration option for something simple as that. Even the Siemens DSL modem has that...


Comment from: Charles Wyble [Visitor]
Charles Wyble

I’m happy to report that the motorola modem shipped by AT&T in SoCal works fine with v4/v6. :)

No outage issues with it either.

06/01/09 @ 11:41
Comment from: Joe [Member]

You probably got DSL later than I did. I am also in SoCal, and they provided me with the Siemems POS in Jan. 2007. I am not quite sure when Siemens quit the DSL modem business, but in any case, AT&T probably ran out of Siemens DSL modems eventually.
Maybe I should call them and ask for a new modem. But then, the D-Link was just $50 at Fry’s.

06/01/09 @ 11:48
Comment from: Fred [Visitor]  

Thanks for this. I just started playing with IPv6 through an IPv6 tunnel to HE, myself, and it wasn’t working. Seeing as the configuration isn’t very complex, I was baffled.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a Fry’s locally. I’m trying to find out if there are other places I could buy a replacement DSL modem.

06/03/09 @ 12:11

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